=== Responsive Photo Gallery === Contributors: weblizar Donate link: http://www.weblizar.com/responsive-photo-gallery/ Tags: responsive gallery, add album, add gallery, add pictures, album, gallery, gallery image, image, multiple pictures, photo, photo album, photo gallery, pictures, upload images, website gallery, albums, best gallery plugin, best portfolio plugin, flash, foto, fotoalbum, gallery album, gallery bank, gallery image, gallery wordpress plugin, grid gallery, image album, image slider, images, lightbox, links, media, modal, photo albums, photo gallery, Photo Slider, photoalbum, photogallery, photos, picture, pictures, plugin, portfolio, portfolio gallery, portfolio wordpress plugin, Post, posts, responsive gallery, seo image, sidebar, slideshow, thumbnails, videos, website gallery, widget, wordpress gallery plugin, wordpress portfolio plugin, wp gallery, wp gallery plugin, carousel, categories, category, content slider, custom, custom fields, dashboard, FAQ, FAQ widget, filterable gallery, filterable portfolio,image-size,two-column,three-column, jpeg, jpg, jquery gallery, jquery portfolio, labels, nextgen, nextgen gallery, page, pages, , responsive slideshow, screenshot, screenshots, seo, shortcode, Simple gallery, slide, slide show, slider, slider plugin, slider widget, sliders, slides, slideshow, slideshow manager, slideshow plugin, sortable portfolio, thumbnails, thumbs, vertical slides, view images, visual items, web designer, website gallery, widget, widget gallery, widget slider, widget slideshow, widgets, wordpress faq, wordpress gallery, wordpress gallery plugin, wordpress photo gallery plugin, wordpress portfolio, wordpress portfolio plugin, wordpress slider, wordpress slideshow, wp gallery, wp gallery plugins, wp slider, responsive slider Requires at least: 3.3 Tested up to: 4.0 Stable tag: 1.0 License: GPLv2 or later License URI: http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.html Responsive Photo Gallery Allow You Add Unlimited Images To Photo Gallery Integrated With Light Box Preview Using Fade Animation Effect == Description == Responsive Photo Gallery is based on bootstrap framework. You can Add unlimited images on your blog site. Responsive Photo Gallery is provide fade animation, light box image preview and two gallery layout with various fonts. It's also provide isotope effect to adjust your image size according to screen resolution. Using **[WRG]** shortcode, you can publish image or photo gallery into any Page or Post in your WordPress sites. **Features** * Responsive Gallery * Simple & Very Easy Admin Gallery Dashboard * Fade Animation Effect * Two Design Layout * Two Types of Color Scheme * Integrated with Isotope Effect * Two Different Font Awesome Icon * Bootstrap Model Light Box * Browser Compatible * Add Unlimited Images into Gallery * Multilingual Translation Ready **Free Plugin Demo:** [Responsive Photo Gallery Free](http://weblizar.com/demo/plugins/free/responsive-photo-gallery/) ### Responsive Photo Gallery Pro Features: * Responsive Gallery * Simple & Very Easy Admin Gallery Dashboard * 8 Types of Animation Effect * 5 Types of Gallery design layout * Unlimited Colors Scheme with opacity Effects * 520 Goggle Font Styles integrated with gallery * Multiple Image Uploader * Drag and Drop image Position * Gallery Shortcode button on page or post. * Integrated with Isotope Effect * Choose Unlimited Font Awesome Icon * 4 Types Of light box integrated with gallery * Unlimited Font icon Choices * Each Gallery has unique Settings * Customized Font Icon Size * Open gallery lightbox on click image or icon * Hide And Show gallery title * Gallery Categorized Display * Google Fonts * Grid and masonry layout * Add Unlimited Images into Gallery * Each gallery associated with unique shortcode. * Retina Ready * Browser Compatible * Multilingual Translation Ready * And many more.. ### Try Responsive Photo Gallery Pro: [Live Demo](http://demo.weblizar.com/responsive-photo-gallery-pro/) ### Try Responsive Photo Gallery Pro:** [Admin Demo](http://demo.weblizar.com/responsive-photo-gallery-admin-demo/) ### Upgrade To: [Responsive Photo Gallery Pro](http://weblizar.com/plugins/responsive-photo-gallery-pro/) == Installation == 1. Upload the entire **responsive-photo-gallery** folder to the **/wp-content/plugins/** directory. 2. Activate the plugin through the **Plugins** menu in WordPress admin. 3. Create new gallery, Use **[WRG]** shortcode to publish image gallery on any page or post. == Screenshots == 1. Gallery Preview on Site 2. Gallery Preview on Image Hover 3. Gallery Image 1 Preview Light Box 4. Gallery Image 2 Preview Light Box 5. Insert Images into Gallery 6. Add Images into Gallery 1 7. Add Images into Gallery 2 8. Gallery Settings == Changelog == For more information, see Weblizar(http://wwww.weblizar.com/). = Version 1.0 30-Aug-2014 = * Remove text domain error * Now compatible with WordPress 4.0 * Add Shortcode text label * Remove Bootstrap body css conflict = Version 0.9 14-Aug-2014 = * Remove Permalinks Error * Resolved Css bug * Upgrade Bootstrap css * Remove navbar menu css conflict = Version 0.8 06-Aug-2014 = * Hide or show gallery title * Resolved Some Design issue * Remove Post view button * Improve Design * Remove some small js error = Version 0.7 17-Jul-2014 = * Remove Isotope = Version 0.6 10-Jul-2014 = * Bug: Campatible with all weblizar.com free and premium themes = Version 0.5 03-Jul-2014 = * New: Very easiest and simple responsive photo gallery dashboard = Version 0.4 03-Jul-2014 = * New: Gallery will load according placed into post content = Version 0.3 21-Jun-2014 = * New: Translation Ready = Version 0.2 08-Jun-2014 = * Bug: Typo fixed = Version 0.1 01-Jun-2014 = * New: Add Gallery * New: Gallery Settings * New: Bootstrap Light Box * New: Gallery Shortcode [WRG] == Upgrade Notice == = 0.5 = Upgrade using WordPress admin dashboard Or deactivate and delete previous plugin, Download version 0.5 plugin form WordPress upload, install and activate. Due to updated admin dashboard you needs re-create photo gallery once only. We made very and simple photo gallery creating dashboard for the users. = 0.4 = Upgrade using WordPress admin dashboard Or deactivate and delete previous plugin, Download version 0.4 plugin form WordPress upload, install and activate. = 0.3 = Upgrade using WordPress admin dashboard Or deactivate and delete previous plugin, Download version 0.3 plugin form WordPress upload, install and activate. = 0.2 = Upgrade using WordPress admin dashboard Or deactivate and delete previous plugin, Download version 0.2 plugin form WordPress upload, install and activate. = 0.1 = Starter version no upgrade is required. == Features == * Responsive Gallery * Admin Gallery Dashboard * Fade Animation Effect * Two Design Layout * Two Types of Color Scheme * Various Font Styles * Integrated with Isotope Effect * Two Different Font Awesome Icon * Bootstrap Model Light Box * Gallery Categorized Display * Retina Ready * Browser Compatible * Add Unlimited Images into Gallery * Multilingual Translation Ready = Docs & Support = You can find [docs](http://weblizar.com/documentation/plugins/responsive-photo-gallery-pro/), [FAQ](http://www.weblizar.com/faq/) and more detailed information about Twitter Tweets on [Weblizar](http://www.weblizar.com). If you were unable to find the answer to your question on the FAQ or in any of the documentation, you should check the [support forum](http://wordpress.org/support/plugin/responsive-photo-gallery) on WordPress.org. = We Need Your Support = It is really hard to continue development and support for this free plugin without contributions from users like you. If you are enjoying using our Responsive Photo Gallery plugin and find it useful, then please consider [__Making a Donation__](http://www.weblizar.com). Your donation will help us to encourage and support the plugin's continued development and better user support. = Translators = Please contribute to translate our plugin. Contact at `contact (at) weblizar (dot) com`. == Frequently Asked Questions == Please use WordPress [support forum](http://wordpress.org/support/plugin/responsive-photo-gallery) to ask any query regarding any issue.