On Wednesday 27 May 2015, the European Data Protection Supervisor (EDPS) and international citizens groups discussed the ongoing reform of EU data protection rules. As the EDPS prepares a fresh contribution to assist the EU co-legislator in their trilogue meetings on the reform, the meeting was a valuable occasion to better understand the concerns of citizens. The office of EDPS maintains regular contact with the three main EU institutions involved in the reform process and recognises the size of their task. On the invitation of the legislator, the EDPS is making sincere efforts to find a comprehensive but effective and workable text that will offer legal certainty for both businesses and individuals in the years to come. Building on our experience and expertise, the EDPS will assist the institutions in finalising a text that is not too prescriptive and has confidence in independent data protection authorities and the future European Data Protection Board to interpret and implement the rules.
EU Data Protection Reform- the EDPS meets international civil liberties groups