UE : lancement d’une consultation publique sur le geoblocking

La Commission européenne a lancé, le 25 août, une consultation publique sur la révision de la…

EBU welcomes steps to update EU Cable and Satellite Directive for the digital age

On 24 August 2015, the European Commission launched a public consultation on the review of the…

TV et Vidéo : les nouvelles habitudes des consommateurs

FutureSource Consulting publie la nouvelle vague de son étude « Living with Digital » dans laquelle…

Netflix bascule intégralement vers le Cloud public d’Amazon

Netflix compte fermer son dernier datacenter à la fin du mois d’août 2015 et basculer sur…

Multiscreen media usage rises

Usage of smartphones and tablets while watching television is rising, particularly among young adults. The Mediatel…

Analyst: ‘OTT hype is over-the-top’

Despite the recent launch by major broadcasters such as HBO, Showtime, and CBS of their own…

Minority report: the search for niche OTT audiences

Serving niche audiences on a global scale is becoming an increasingly viable business model in an…

OTT services a complement to pay TV

Over-the-top (OTT) video services like Netflix remain “a complement to, not a replacement for” traditional pay…

Connected TV set boom continues

The number of TV sets connected to the Internet will reach 876 million by 2020, up…

Canadian cord-cutting accelerates, only 1% of the market

Cord-cutting accelerated significantly in the first half in the Canadian traditional TV market, according to research…

La SVOD a dépassé le DVD aux Etats-Unis

Le DEG (Digital Entertainment Group) vient de publier les résultats du premier semestre 2015 du marché…

TV operators opt for hybrid OTT as preferred business model

With over-the-top now firmly established within service providers’ pay-TV portfolios, the hybrid OTT model has become…