La réforme du droit d’auteur : s’adapter aux nouvelles formes d’expression culturelle recommande le Parlement européen.

Lors de la plénière du 9 juillet, le Parlement européen a enfin adopté la résolution non…

TV operators opt for hybrid OTT as preferred business model

With over-the-top now firmly established within service providers’ pay-TV portfolios, the hybrid OTT model has become…

The EU Parliament and copyright reform

After a hectic negotiation and several deferments, the European Parliament finally adopted on July 9 by…

New european study on remuneration for authors and performers

The European Commission has just made public an eagerly anticipated study entitled “Remuneration of authors and…

Quelle est la taille réelle du marché français de la SVOD ?

Présenté comme le marché numérique le plus stratégique de la décennie, la SVOD n’en demeure pas…

Aux Etats-Unis, la SVOD remplace la TV en direct chez les jeunes

Une étude réalisée par Hub Entertainment Research analyse le comportement des téléspectateurs américains, en particulier celui…

OTT Devices Bring Hulu Streamers Back to the Sofa

Hulu viewers are increasing their usage of over-the-top (OTT) devices for video streaming. Other research indicates…

Australia – New online copyright infringement research released

New research conducted by the Australian and United Kingdom Governments shows Australia has high levels of…

UK consumers give boost to legal downloading and streaming for TV, films and music

A new survey, published today by the Intellectual Property Office (IPO), highlights the latest UK trends…

EEMEA OTT TV & video market to add $2.2 billion

OTT TV and video revenues in EEMEA [19 countries] will reach $2,635 million in 2020; up…

Current market and technology trends in the broadcasting sector

Like so many facets of the modern world, television has been transformed by the application of…

Australian MP: ‘Anti-piracy rules won’t work’

Ed Husic, Australia’s Shadow Parliamentary Secretary to the Shadow Treasurer, has suggested that consumers aren’t all…