Plus de 5 ans de gestation. Quelques centaines de passionnés et de fous de vidéo. Un…
French public to vote on digital rights
French prime minister Manual Valls will release the text of a proposed bill on digital rights…
Media companies will not be forced to sell rights to their products in a single, pan-European block
Media companies have nothing to fear from the European Commission’s plan to make digital entertainment more…
DSM – Public consultation on audiovisual directive
Since its announcement to much fanfare back in May, the digital single market (DSM) strategy has…
Droit d’auteur : vers un marché unique en Europe ?
Un projet de directive suscite une vive opposition, alimentée par le rapport de Julia Reda, l’eurodéputée…
Privacy watchdogs question German data retention law proposals
Privacy watchdogs in Germany have questioned whether proposed new data retention laws in the country are…
Emerging markets to drive global pay-TV penetration past 50% in next two years
Never mind cord-cutting: the next five years look very healthy for the global pay-TV industry, with…
Hungary – Summary of the consultation on the regulatory issues of the OTT market
Previously shown only on the television screen, media content now available also over the Internet fundamentally…
Commission questions companies on geo-blocking
European Commission investigators kicked off a wide-ranging antitrust probe into Europe’s digital sector Thursday, sending the…
Molotov, la révolution de la distribution TV en OTT
JeanDavid Blanc et Pierre Lescure se sont associés pour lancer un service de distribution TV innovant.…
CEDH : Un site d’information peut être condamné pour des commentaires
Dans un arrêt rendu par la Cour européenne des droits de l’homme, la cour condamne un…
Europeans could get data protection rights in U.S.
Europeans would be able to take legal action against U.S. agencies that misuse their private data,…