Discovery “would love” to be on Apple platform, says international chief

Discovery is increasingly open to all forms of distribution including direct-to-consumer and would be keen to…

Où va le marché de la télévision ?

Quelles sont les innovations de la rentrée TV 2015 ? A l’heure de la grande transformation…

Endemol Beyond USA, Barcroft go OTT

Digital-first businesses Endemol Beyond USA and Barcroft Media have launched separate direct-to-consumer video platforms.

Apple unveils revamped Apple TV box

Apple has unveiled its next generation Apple TV device, claiming that the new device was built…

Half of online video viewers driven by content

More than half of viewers are driven by “content-related” factors when looking for a preferred online…

Many Internet-Capable TVs Not Internet-Connected

More consumers than ever before own smart or other internet-capable TVs, but are they using them…

Opera TV launches smart TV app-creation tool for broadcasters

Opera TV has launched a new version of Opera TV Snap, designed to provide broadcasters with…

Opera unveils new version of Opera TV Snap

Opera TV has unveiled a new version of Opera TV Snap, designed to provide broadcasters with…

Optimising the user experience for OTT video Report

OTT video providers still face challenges in delivering consistent, high-quality video experiences to consumers. They are…

Comment les téléspectateurs européens consomment-ils les nouveaux services de télévision ?

Le cabinet d’études IHS publie une étude comparative de la consommation des programmes TV entre les…

Amazon expands Prime Video downloads to iOS and Android

Amazon has introduced a new feature to its Prime Video service that allows members in the…

Cord-cutting fears ‘validated’ by Q2 US pay TV figures

TV companies in the United States posted their worst ever quarterly video subscriber losses in the…