Le Sénat vote le projet de loi sur le renseignement tout en le modifiant

Après y avoir ajouté quelques modifications, 251 sénateurs ont voté pour ce texte pourtant très controversé.…

Qui se cache derrière APT28, le groupe de hackers qui aurait piraté TV5 Monde ?

D’après les informations de l’Express, la piste Russe serait désormais privilégiée dans l’enquête sur le piratage…

Netflix means “nobody is safe” in TV land

A major report from investment bankers Exane/BNP-Paribas states bluntly that Netflix is not just a major…

Joint copyrights management by collecting societies and online platforms – An economic analysis

This paper discusses the effects of technological change on joint (copy)rights management (JRM). The economic literature…

After ACTA – EU needs new tools to protect EU intellectual property rights

The EU needs better tools to protect EU intellectual property in third countries, say MEPs in…

Nouveaux business models et pricing des vidéos

Quels nouveaux modèles peuvent être envisagés pour la vidéo en ligne ? Quelles conséquences sur la…

MEP Reda – Commission is too cautious on geo-blocking and copyright law

The European Commission is aiming to tear down “regulatory walls” for digital products and services and…

Can Marketing Tech Adoption Catch Up to Data Adoption?

Gathering data is critical for marketers, but in order to act on insights gleaned from all…

EU Commission tries to rip citizens off Net Neutrality

The European Commission attacks Net Neutrality again, by introducing a “compromise document” that refuses to enshrine…

Worldwide community of writers and directors calls for improved remuneration

The Society of Audiovisual Authors (SAA) and Writers & Directors Worldwide call on the European Commission…

Sports media rights and the Digital Single Market… Is your business ready?

On 6 May 2015 the European Commission published its strategy for a ‘Digital Single Market’ for…

How to ensure and assess media pluralism and diversity of media content

Background paper, by Marie McGonagle, entitled “Monitoring Media Pluralism – an exercise in futility?” for Plenary…