Orange vs Free: un vent de la justice française à l’Office européen des brevets

Alors que l’application des brevets aux logiciels a été rejetée, après une bataille de plusieurs années,…

Youtube déclare la guerre à “AdBlock”

Aux États-Unis, des utilisateurs de bloqueurs de publicités rapportent que YouTube a trouvé le moyen de…

Brevet de logiciel : la justice française contredit l’OEB

La justice française maintient une position beaucoup plus stricte sur la non-brevetabilité des logiciels que l’Office…

Opera TV launches smart TV app-creation tool for broadcasters

Opera TV has launched a new version of Opera TV Snap, designed to provide broadcasters with…

Growth still found in pay-TV

The worldwide television subscriber base increased by close to four million in the second quarter of…

TV Everywhere viewing up 63% in the US

TV Everywhere viewing in the US was up 63% year-on-year in the second quarter, according to…

Opera unveils new version of Opera TV Snap

Opera TV has unveiled a new version of Opera TV Snap, designed to provide broadcasters with…

Optimising the user experience for OTT video Report

OTT video providers still face challenges in delivering consistent, high-quality video experiences to consumers. They are…

Third of TV now watched on-demand

Some 35% of all TV and video viewing is now watched on-demand with over half of…

Comment les téléspectateurs européens consomment-ils les nouveaux services de télévision ?

Le cabinet d’études IHS publie une étude comparative de la consommation des programmes TV entre les…

61% of Dutch viewing time is non-linear

Dutch consumers are now devoting on average over 60% of their total viewing time to other…

Amazon expands Prime Video downloads to iOS and Android

Amazon has introduced a new feature to its Prime Video service that allows members in the…