It is over two years that Europe is divided on net neutrality. In the meantime, the…
Catégorie : IP
Des droits sportifs toujours plus exorbitants
Près de 2,5 milliards de dollars. C’est la somme que la FIFA a engrangée avec la…
The value of licensing recorded music online
This paper discusses whether a copyright compensation system (CCS) for recorded music—endowing private Internet subscribers with…
La Protection des mineurs dans un paysage médiatique en pleine convergence
Le premier rapport IRIS plus de cette année vous propose une synthèse indispensable des mesures en…
Canal + passe à ‘l’OTT’
Bertrant Méheut, le PDG du Groupe Canal + a tracé de manière très claire la feuille…
Dysfonctionnements d’un logiciel : obligation de résultat du développeur
Dans son arrêt du 4 juin 2015, la cour d’appel de Grenoble prononce la résolution des…
Online platforms should play a greater role in enforcement of intellectual property rights, say MEPs
In a new resolution on an action plan for intellectual property rights (IPRs) enforcement, the European…
Monitoring media pluralism – An exercise in futility?
How to ensure a sustainable ecosystem for media in Europe that is financially viable and offers…
New research – 11-point plan for protecting journalism sources in the digital age
Acts of journalism should be shielded from targeted surveillance, data retention and handover of material connected…
Netflix means “nobody is safe” in TV land
A major report from investment bankers Exane/BNP-Paribas states bluntly that Netflix is not just a major…
Joint copyrights management by collecting societies and online platforms – An economic analysis
This paper discusses the effects of technological change on joint (copy)rights management (JRM). The economic literature…
After ACTA – EU needs new tools to protect EU intellectual property rights
The EU needs better tools to protect EU intellectual property in third countries, say MEPs in…