Linear TV is still the main source of revenues for the video industry – however, traditional…
Catégorie : IP
EU’s Net neutrality move eases path for OTT video
The EU has decided to implement strong Net neutrality rules, as part of an ambitious overhaul…
Chronologie des Médias : ouverture d’un nouveau cycle de négociation
La chronologie des médias, même si on la considère comme rigide, a connu quelques évolutions depuis…
Netflix cord-cutters ‘on the up’
More US Netflix subscribers are cutting their pay TV cords than ever before, according to new…
Advocate General’s Opinion in Case C-347/14 – New Media Online
Advocate General Maciej Szpunar considers that the website of a daily newspaper containing audiovisual material is…
OTT : Facebook diffuse en streaming et en exclusivité 2 séries HBO
La rencontre du leader de la Pay TV américain avec le plus puissant réseau social du…
French regulator looking to ease pay TV channels’ content burden
French media regulator the CSA is looking to ease the content creation obligations imposed on pay…
Smartphone Video Creeps Into TV Time
Though most smartphone video viewers haven’t cut back on time spent with traditional TV, the majority…
Pay TV Providers Bundle Up and Grow via Digital in the UK
The number of pay TV subscribers in the UK is growing. However, this growth isn’t coming…
Harmonisation of certain aspects of copyright and related rights in the information society
A consolidated version of the Reda report on the implementation of Directive 2001/29/EC, as adopted by…
The convergence of technology, media and entertainment
For businesses active in the technology, media and entertainment (TME) sectors, the last decade has witnessed…
Quelle télévision dans 10 ans ?
L’IDATE a présenté la 15ème édition du Digiworld Yearbook lors de la conférence Digiworldfuture qui s’est…